Friday, 29 April 2016

Thai Coffee

Thai Coffee

The classic Thai coffee that they usually drink during breakfast, lunch, or dinner! The sweetness of the condensed milk and cardamom mingle together and every sip is like walking in the clouds!

Yields: Makes 2 Servings

2 heaping tbsps. Ground coffee
¼ tsp. Ground cardamom
2-3 cups Water
2 tbsps. Sweetened condensed milk

Method of Preparation:
  1. In a pot, boil the water and add the ground coffee. Bring it to a gentle simmer for 5-8 minutes.
  2. With a fine sieve and a bowl below it. Slowly pour the coffee into the sieve and strain the ground coffee. In a large jar, add the condensed milk and cardamom and pour the coffee into it.
  3. Shake it vigorously until foamy.
  4. Pour the mixture in each cup and serve!

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